Friday, July 15, 2022

Children's xiangqi set

Saw this rather unusual xiangqi set on eBay, and couldn't resist .... 

The board is made from wood, and looks quite neat.

The pieces are all figurines, also made of wood, and with Chinese writing clarifying the identity of each piece. 

Seems to me that this particular set is mostly targeted at children, in the hope of enthusing them for the game. 

Definitely a unique addition to my collection of xiangqi sets!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Xiangqi set for the garden

Saw a xiangqi set with large jade pieces on eBay for not very much, and I snapped it up. The set didn't come with  board, and, given the size of the pieces, it didn't fit on any of the boards I have. And that also meant that any board I'd buy or make would have to be quite large ... 

And then I had an idea .... Why not create a temporary board in the garden, on the garden table? After all, I'd already created a 'garden board' for my Royal Beasts set, so ... On top of that, the colour of the garden table would match the jade-green of the pieces nicely ...

Easy enough to create a board on the table using electrical tape.

Looks quite good with the pieces on it!

Not sure how long the tape will hold on the table; the first rain may well be the end of it, but a new grid is easily put in place again.